Sharing Some Exciting News!

I made a pretty big decision yesterday so I wanted to write about it here to share. I was accepted into Parson’s school of Fashion Design! I am going to start out doing the online program which is only a certificate in Design, but I am just so excited to start this journey. It has…


In today’s world it seems more difficult than ever to be your true authentic self. With so much influence from technology and social media, you may find yourself morphing into a mold that isn’t your truest self. Maybe like me, you let it influence you more than you like to admit. But one thing I…

New Goals to New Identity

Hello Beauty’s, Summer is upon us and with the change in season comes new goals and new adventures. I find that writing down my goals helps, it creates accountability. They shouldn’t be like a new years resolution, where you say it but know deep down you’re probably not going to follow though and it’s OK…

My Journey: Update

Hello Beauty’s! I wanted to check in and give an update from my first blog post. I wanted to pick a new hobby that was just for me, not something I felt like I had to do in order to compete or for a resume builder. One thing I have always wanted to do is…

How to Deal With Negative People

As I begin my journey to lead a more positive, optimistic life, I have noticed how many people around me exude negativity. Mainly co-workers. I took a week off from work and that’s when I decided to start this blog as an outlet to share my journey on how I am going to slowly change…